Support Us

You can now support Film Journeys through Patreon, an awesome site that allows you to help creators like us through an innovative funding platform. Don’t get us wrong, if you want to keep watching Film Journeys for free – you can! Enjoy it – share it – love it, just like us.

But if you are able to help us out, even just a little bit, then you can become a patron of Film Journeys via, or more specifically, via our Patreon page which you can visit by clicking this link right here.

There are lots of ways you can help and, depending on which level of patronage you can muster, there are some awesome perks available just for you, (well, you and those who are also helping us!). The important thing to know is that Patreon isn’t like Kickstarter – you’re not helping to find a one-off project. By helping Film  Journeys via Patreon, you are pledging your on-going support, (don’t worry – you can stop that support whenever you need to).

So, take a peep over on our Patreon page for more info about how it all works. We hope you are able to directly help us continue to develop and grow Film Journeys; but most of all, we hope you enjoy what we’re doing here and help spread the love of movies, by sharing our site with your friends.